package telebot // MiddlewareFunc represents a middleware processing function, // which get called before the endpoint group or specific handler. type MiddlewareFunc func(HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc func applyMiddleware(h HandlerFunc, m ...MiddlewareFunc) HandlerFunc { for i := len(m) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { h = m[i](h) } return h } // Group is a separated group of handlers, united by the general middleware. type Group struct { b *Bot middleware []MiddlewareFunc } // Use adds middleware to the chain. func (g *Group) Use(middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) { g.middleware = append(g.middleware, middleware...) } // Handle adds endpoint handler to the bot, combining group's middleware // with the optional given middleware. func (g *Group) Handle(endpoint interface{}, h HandlerFunc, m ...MiddlewareFunc) { g.b.Handle(endpoint, h, append(g.middleware, m...)...) }