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2023-02-01 12:08:20 +03:00
package telebot
import (
// User object represents a Telegram user, bot.
type User struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name"`
Username string `json:"username"`
LanguageCode string `json:"language_code"`
IsBot bool `json:"is_bot"`
IsPremium bool `json:"is_premium"`
AddedToMenu bool `json:"added_to_attachment_menu"`
// Returns only in getMe
CanJoinGroups bool `json:"can_join_groups"`
CanReadMessages bool `json:"can_read_all_group_messages"`
SupportsInline bool `json:"supports_inline_queries"`
// Recipient returns user ID (see Recipient interface).
func (u *User) Recipient() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(u.ID, 10)
// Chat object represents a Telegram user, bot, group or a channel.
type Chat struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
// See ChatType and consts.
Type ChatType `json:"type"`
// Won't be there for ChatPrivate.
Title string `json:"title"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name"`
Username string `json:"username"`
// Returns only in getChat
Bio string `json:"bio,omitempty"`
Photo *ChatPhoto `json:"photo,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
InviteLink string `json:"invite_link,omitempty"`
PinnedMessage *Message `json:"pinned_message,omitempty"`
Permissions *Rights `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
SlowMode int `json:"slow_mode_delay,omitempty"`
StickerSet string `json:"sticker_set_name,omitempty"`
CanSetStickerSet bool `json:"can_set_sticker_set,omitempty"`
LinkedChatID int64 `json:"linked_chat_id,omitempty"`
ChatLocation *ChatLocation `json:"location,omitempty"`
Private bool `json:"has_private_forwards,omitempty"`
Protected bool `json:"has_protected_content,omitempty"`
NoVoiceAndVideo bool `json:"has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages"`
// Recipient returns chat ID (see Recipient interface).
func (c *Chat) Recipient() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(c.ID, 10)
// ChatType represents one of the possible chat types.
type ChatType string
const (
ChatPrivate ChatType = "private"
ChatGroup ChatType = "group"
ChatSuperGroup ChatType = "supergroup"
ChatChannel ChatType = "channel"
ChatChannelPrivate ChatType = "privatechannel"
// ChatLocation represents a location to which a chat is connected.
type ChatLocation struct {
Location Location `json:"location,omitempty"`
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
// ChatPhoto object represents a chat photo.
type ChatPhoto struct {
// File identifiers of small (160x160) chat photo
SmallFileID string `json:"small_file_id"`
SmallUniqueID string `json:"small_file_unique_id"`
// File identifiers of big (640x640) chat photo
BigFileID string `json:"big_file_id"`
BigUniqueID string `json:"big_file_unique_id"`
// ChatMember object represents information about a single chat member.
type ChatMember struct {
User *User `json:"user"`
Role MemberStatus `json:"status"`
Title string `json:"custom_title"`
Anonymous bool `json:"is_anonymous"`
// Date when restrictions will be lifted for the user, unix time.
// If user is restricted for more than 366 days or less than
// 30 seconds from the current time, they are considered to be
// restricted forever.
// Use tele.Forever().
RestrictedUntil int64 `json:"until_date,omitempty"`
JoinToSend string `json:"join_to_send_messages"`
JoinByRequest string `json:"join_by_request"`
// MemberStatus is one's chat status.
type MemberStatus string
const (
Creator MemberStatus = "creator"
Administrator MemberStatus = "administrator"
Member MemberStatus = "member"
Restricted MemberStatus = "restricted"
Left MemberStatus = "left"
Kicked MemberStatus = "kicked"
// ChatMemberUpdate object represents changes in the status of a chat member.
type ChatMemberUpdate struct {
// Chat where the user belongs to.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Sender which user the action was triggered.
Sender *User `json:"from"`
// Unixtime, use Date() to get time.Time.
Unixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// Previous information about the chat member.
OldChatMember *ChatMember `json:"old_chat_member"`
// New information about the chat member.
NewChatMember *ChatMember `json:"new_chat_member"`
// (Optional) InviteLink which was used by the user to
// join the chat; for joining by invite link events only.
InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"`
// Time returns the moment of the change in local time.
func (c *ChatMemberUpdate) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(c.Unixtime, 0)
// ChatID represents a chat or an user integer ID, which can be used
// as recipient in bot methods. It is very useful in cases where
// you have special group IDs, for example in your config, and don't
// want to wrap it into *tele.Chat every time you send messages.
// Example:
// group := tele.ChatID(-100756389456)
// b.Send(group, "Hello!")
// type Config struct {
// AdminGroup tele.ChatID `json:"admin_group"`
// }
// b.Send(conf.AdminGroup, "Hello!")
type ChatID int64
// Recipient returns chat ID (see Recipient interface).
func (i ChatID) Recipient() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
// ChatJoinRequest represents a join request sent to a chat.
type ChatJoinRequest struct {
// Chat to which the request was sent.
Chat *Chat `json:"chat"`
// Sender is the user that sent the join request.
Sender *User `json:"from"`
// Unixtime, use ChatJoinRequest.Time() to get time.Time.
Unixtime int64 `json:"date"`
// Bio of the user, optional.
Bio string `json:"bio"`
// InviteLink is the chat invite link that was used by
//the user to send the join request, optional.
InviteLink *ChatInviteLink `json:"invite_link"`
// ChatInviteLink object represents an invite for a chat.
type ChatInviteLink struct {
// The invite link.
InviteLink string `json:"invite_link"`
// Invite link name.
Name string `json:"name"`
// The creator of the link.
Creator *User `json:"creator"`
// If the link is primary.
IsPrimary bool `json:"is_primary"`
// If the link is revoked.
IsRevoked bool `json:"is_revoked"`
// (Optional) Point in time when the link will expire,
// use ExpireDate() to get time.Time.
ExpireUnixtime int64 `json:"expire_date,omitempty"`
// (Optional) Maximum number of users that can be members of
// the chat simultaneously.
MemberLimit int `json:"member_limit,omitempty"`
// (Optional) True, if users joining the chat via the link need to
// be approved by chat administrators. If True, member_limit can't be specified.
JoinRequest bool `json:"creates_join_request"`
// (Optional) Number of pending join requests created using this link.
PendingCount int `json:"pending_join_request_count"`
// ExpireDate returns the moment of the link expiration in local time.
func (c *ChatInviteLink) ExpireDate() time.Time {
return time.Unix(c.ExpireUnixtime, 0)
// Time returns the moment of chat join request sending in local time.
func (r ChatJoinRequest) Time() time.Time {
return time.Unix(r.Unixtime, 0)
// InviteLink should be used to export chat's invite link.
func (b *Bot) InviteLink(chat *Chat) (string, error) {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
data, err := b.Raw("exportChatInviteLink", params)
if err != nil {
return "", err
var resp struct {
Result string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil {
return "", wrapError(err)
return resp.Result, nil
// CreateInviteLink creates an additional invite link for a chat.
func (b *Bot) CreateInviteLink(chat Recipient, link *ChatInviteLink) (*ChatInviteLink, error) {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
if link != nil {
params["name"] = link.Name
if link.ExpireUnixtime != 0 {
params["expire_date"] = strconv.FormatInt(link.ExpireUnixtime, 10)
if link.MemberLimit > 0 {
params["member_limit"] = strconv.Itoa(link.MemberLimit)
} else if link.JoinRequest {
params["creates_join_request"] = "true"
data, err := b.Raw("createChatInviteLink", params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp struct {
Result ChatInviteLink `json:"result"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, wrapError(err)
return &resp.Result, nil
// EditInviteLink edits a non-primary invite link created by the bot.
func (b *Bot) EditInviteLink(chat Recipient, link *ChatInviteLink) (*ChatInviteLink, error) {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
if link != nil {
params["invite_link"] = link.InviteLink
params["name"] = link.Name
if link.ExpireUnixtime != 0 {
params["expire_date"] = strconv.FormatInt(link.ExpireUnixtime, 10)
if link.MemberLimit > 0 {
params["member_limit"] = strconv.Itoa(link.MemberLimit)
} else if link.JoinRequest {
params["creates_join_request"] = "true"
data, err := b.Raw("editChatInviteLink", params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp struct {
Result ChatInviteLink `json:"result"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, wrapError(err)
return &resp.Result, nil
// RevokeInviteLink revokes an invite link created by the bot.
func (b *Bot) RevokeInviteLink(chat Recipient, link string) (*ChatInviteLink, error) {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"invite_link": link,
data, err := b.Raw("revokeChatInviteLink", params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp struct {
Result ChatInviteLink `json:"result"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, wrapError(err)
return &resp.Result, nil
// ApproveJoinRequest approves a chat join request.
func (b *Bot) ApproveJoinRequest(chat Recipient, user *User) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"user_id": user.Recipient(),
data, err := b.Raw("approveChatJoinRequest", params)
if err != nil {
return err
return extractOk(data)
// DeclineJoinRequest declines a chat join request.
func (b *Bot) DeclineJoinRequest(chat Recipient, user *User) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"user_id": user.Recipient(),
data, err := b.Raw("declineChatJoinRequest", params)
if err != nil {
return err
return extractOk(data)
// SetGroupTitle should be used to update group title.
func (b *Bot) SetGroupTitle(chat *Chat, title string) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"title": title,
_, err := b.Raw("setChatTitle", params)
return err
// SetGroupDescription should be used to update group description.
func (b *Bot) SetGroupDescription(chat *Chat, description string) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"description": description,
_, err := b.Raw("setChatDescription", params)
return err
// SetGroupPhoto should be used to update group photo.
func (b *Bot) SetGroupPhoto(chat *Chat, p *Photo) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
_, err := b.sendFiles("setChatPhoto", map[string]File{"photo": p.File}, params)
return err
// SetGroupStickerSet should be used to update group's group sticker set.
func (b *Bot) SetGroupStickerSet(chat *Chat, setName string) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"sticker_set_name": setName,
_, err := b.Raw("setChatStickerSet", params)
return err
// SetGroupPermissions sets default chat permissions for all members.
func (b *Bot) SetGroupPermissions(chat *Chat, perms Rights) error {
params := map[string]interface{}{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
"permissions": perms,
_, err := b.Raw("setChatPermissions", params)
return err
// DeleteGroupPhoto should be used to just remove group photo.
func (b *Bot) DeleteGroupPhoto(chat *Chat) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
_, err := b.Raw("deleteChatPhoto", params)
return err
// DeleteGroupStickerSet should be used to just remove group sticker set.
func (b *Bot) DeleteGroupStickerSet(chat *Chat) error {
params := map[string]string{
"chat_id": chat.Recipient(),
_, err := b.Raw("deleteChatStickerSet", params)
return err