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Кобелев Андрей Андреевич 2024-12-07 04:41:19 +03:00
parent c90cef1436
commit 9f82dad82c
7 changed files with 9204 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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# Build and Release Folders

lib/helix_extrude.scad Normal file
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* =====================================
* This is public Domain Code
* Contributed by: Gael Lafond
* 24 March 2017
* =====================================
* This is my attempt at creating a predictable
* helix that can be created from any polygon.
* It works in a very similar fashion to rotate_extrude,
* with a height parameter.
* The height of the final object is equal to the
* height parameter + the height of the provided polygon.
module helix_extrude(angle=360, height=100) {
precision = $fn ? $fn : 24;
// Thickness of polygon used to create an helix segment
epsilon = 0.001;
// Number of segments to create.
// I reversed ingenering rotate_extrude
// to provide a very similar behaviour.
nbSegments = floor(abs(angle * precision / 360));
module helix_segment() {
// The segment is "render" (cached) to save (a lot of) CPU cycles.
render() {
// NOTE: hull() doesn't work on 2D polygon in a 3D space.
// The polygon needs to be extrude into a 3D shape
// before performing the hull() operation.
// To work around that problem, we create extremely
// thin shape (using linear_extrude) which represent
// our 2D polygon.
hull() {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(height=epsilon) children();
translate([0, 0, height / nbSegments])
rotate([90, 0, angle / nbSegments])
linear_extrude(height=epsilon) children();
union() {
for (a = [0:nbSegments-1])
translate([0, 0, height / nbSegments * a])
rotate([0, 0, angle / nbSegments * a])
helix_segment() children();

lib/spiral_extrude.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
//Copyright 2018 Douglas Peale
//This transformation extrudes a two dimmenional shape in a spiral. It fills the gap between linear_extrude and rotate_extrude
//This is released under the GPL version 3.0
// Note that this uses linear_extrude to create segments of the spiral and piece them together. Twist is used to get the pieces to mate up properly.
// This makes the job much more complicated than it would have been if I could get access to the data points of the 2D objects this function is passed.
// Version 2.0
// Add capability of having Height=0 for flat spirals
// Fix Starts so that it actually works
// Version 3.0
// Reimplemented this function to simplify it, and allow circular and circular arc extrudes.
// fixed bug that prevented acurate heights and arc lengths from being implemented (previously an integer number of segments was used).
// Wrote wraper function with old name for backwards compatibility.
// Version 3.1
// fixed a bug where one more step than requested was added to the spiral.
//Simple Example
//Multiple shapes, start and end radius the same
spiral_extrude(Radius=19, EndRadius=19, Pitch=10, Height=30, StepsPerRev=50, Starts=1){circle($fn=20,1);translate([10,0,0])rotate([0,0,20])square([5,2],center=true);}
//Start and End radius different, negative pitch
translate([0,60,0])spiral_extrude(Radius=19, EndRadius=5, Pitch=-10, Height=30, StepsPerRev=50, Starts=1){rotate([0,0,20])square([5,2],center=true);}
//Flat Spiral
translate([60,0,0])spiral_extrude(Radius=10, EndRadius=20, Pitch=3, Height=0, StepsPerRev=50, Starts=1){scale([1,2])circle($fn=20,1);}
//Multiple Starts
translate([0,-60,0])spiral_extrude(Radius=19, EndRadius=5, Pitch=20, Height=30, StepsPerRev=50, Starts=3){rotate([0,0,20])square([5,2],center=true);}
translate([-60,0,0])extrude_spiral(StartRadius=10, Angle=360, RPitch=0, ZPitch=0, StepsPerRev=50){
//Circular arc
translate([-50,-50,0])extrude_spiral(StartRadius=10, Angle=234.25, RPitch=0, ZPitch=0, StepsPerRev=36){
//Transforms a two dimmensional object in the XY plane to a spiral extrusion with a cross section perpendicular to the extrusion of the original two dimmensional object.
// Radius is the inital radius of the spiral.
// EndRadius is the final radius of the spiral. If not specified, it is the same as Radius.
// Spiral proceeds counter clockwise from start radius to end radius.
// Pitch is the change in Z per revolution of the spiral (this can be negative) unless Height is zero, in which case Pitch is the change in Radius/revolution.
// Starts is the number of spirals.
// Height is the total height of the spiral (this should be positive), can be zero. If pitch is positive, height goes up, if pitch is negative, height goes down
// StepsPerRev is the number of linear extruded segments per revolution of the spiral. A larger number generates a smoother spiral
//Wraper function for backwords compatibility.
module spiral_extrude(Radius=1,EndRadius=-1,Pitch=50,Starts=1,Height=1,StepsPerRev=50){
extrude_spiral(StartRadius=Radius, Angle=Angle, ZPitch=ZPitch, RPitch=RPitch, StepsPerRev=StepsPerRev,Starts=Starts)children();
// Start radius is the radius at which the extrude will start.
// Angle is the number of degrees of rotation of the extrusion. This is always counter clock wise about the z axis.
// ZPitch is the change in height per revolution, can be negative.
// RPitch is the change in radius per revolution, can be negative.
// StepsPerRev is the number of segments that will be drawn per revolution. Note that the last segment can be a partial segment.
// Starts is the number of equally spaced copies of the spiral that will be drawn.
module extrude_spiral(StartRadius=10,Angle=360,ZPitch=0,RPitch=0,StepsPerRev=50,Starts=1){
//Number of degrees of last step to use.
//Current Radius
//Radius at next junction
//Length of line connecting endpoints of the current radius and the radius of the next joint
//Angle of above line relative to the current radius
segment(Radius=LocRadius, ZPitch=ZPitch, StepsPerRev=StepsPerRev, First=i==0, Last=(i==NumberOfSteps)?Remainder:0,RPitch=RPitch)children();
//This module builds the segments that make up the spiral
module segment(Radius=1, ZPitch=1, StepsPerRev=10,First=false,Last=false,RPitch=0){
//Length of the extrusion needed to cover the angle determined by StepsPerRev
//angle of extrusion relative to the XY plane
//Radius Change per step
//Angle change per step
//Stuff for calculating the angle relative to a radial line
//Make extrusion 20 times as long as the gap to allow trimming to proper angle
//twist 20 times as much to account for 20 times the length
//I think the twist should be -20*360/StepsPerRev*sin(SlopeAngle), but for some reason -18 works better.
//Cut the ends of the extrusion to the proper angle for mating. Cubes are really big because I can't figure out how to ask OpenSCAD how big the 2D object is that I am extruding.
translate([0,Last?Radius*tan(Last*360/StepsPerRev):Radius*tan(360/StepsPerRev),Last?Last*ZPitch/StepsPerRev:ZPitch/StepsPerRev])rotate([SlopeAngle,0,Last?Last*360/StepsPerRev:360/StepsPerRev]) translate([-5000,0,-5000])cube(10000);
translate([0,0,0])rotate([SlopeAngle,0,0]) translate([0,-5000.01,0])cube(10000,center=true);

lib/ub.scad Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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module tube(thickness, length1, length2, height, fn=100) {
difference() {
cylinder(h = height, r1 = length1 , r2 = length2, $fn = fn);